Information for publishers about the thuiskopie fee

About the fee

Consumers are allowed to copy copyrighted works from legal sources for personal use on any suitable device. An indirect fee is paid when purchasing these devices, intended as fee for copyright holders. Stichting de Thuiskopie collects these fees, and Stichting PRO distributes the publishers' share of the thuiskopie (private copying) fee to publishers.

Stichting de Thuiskopie collects

Stichting de Thuiskopie is responsible for collecting private copying levies. It has been designated by the Minister of Justice to manage the collection and distribution of these funds. All manufacturers or importers of blank media, phones, hardware, or consumer electronics that either import or complete manufacturing must report to Stichting de Thuiskopie and pay the required levy. Stichting de Thuiskopie negotiates with the industry to determine a levy per device. The private copying levy applies to a range of devices, including computers, phones, and e-readers. Thuiskopie then conducts research to determine the proportion of different types of works stored on these devices, distinguishing between audio, video, written works, and images. From this arrangement, Stichting PRO receives the publishers’ share. For more information, visit the Stichting de Thuiskopie website.

Stichting PRO distributes

Stichting de Thuiskopie distributes the private copying levies to copyright holders through allocation organisations. Since 2010, various devices have been added to the list of items subject to the private copying levy. Some of these devices are suitable for copying published works, such as those from magazines, newspapers, and websites. As a result, new groups of rights holders have been included, including publishers. This means that, in certain cases, publishers are also entitled to receive a private copying levy.

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Information for publishers

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