New website
17 December 2024
The website of Stichting PRO has been revamped. The site is now easier to use and provides a clear overview for publishers. Visitors can now quickly and efficiently navigate to the latest news, our services, and information about the various compensations.
Additionally, the web portal will be further updated in 2025 to make it even better for users. Stichting PRO looks forward to the improvements that will be implemented in the near future.
Compensation for children's book publishers
Soon, a number of children's book publishers will receive an additional compensation. This is an extra payment for the Library at School (dBos) program. In 2024, the Ministry is allocating €1.7 million for lost lending right compensation for loans from school libraries. About 30% of this amount is earmarked for publishers. The basis for this is the lending of children's books (NUR codes related to books for children aged 6 to 12) from regular libraries. In this way, all children's book publishers will receive a fair share.
Payment of Lending Right Compensation
28 November 2024
This week, several publishers will receive a lending right compensation. If there are titles from your catalog that have been lent out by Dutch public libraries, you will be notified by us. The compensation is based on the number of loans per book. You can find the invoice and the corresponding specification in our portal.
The amount of your compensation fluctuates annually. This is naturally influenced by the number of loans and the total amount available. This year, the compensation is generally lower than last year. On average, the decrease is around 8%. Last year, funds from Belgium were offered for a two-year period, while this year, funds from Belgium have not yet been received. You will, of course, still receive these funds in the coming year.
Survey results
9 October 2024
Stichting PRO is continuously working to improve its services. Recently, we asked our rights holders to share their opinions through a short survey. The results and discussions with publishers highlighted three main areas of focus:
- Publishers would like more detailed information on their invoices, including an overview of administrative costs per title or line item.
- There is a need for clarity on how costs are calculated and how this affects their compensation.
- Looking ahead, publishers hope that Stichting PRO will address new developments, including insights into the impact of AI on compensation and attention to digital opportunities for content distribution.
We would like to sincerely thank all participants for their valuable feedback. If you did not receive an invitation but would like to share your opinion please feel free to contact us.
Transparency bundle now available for download
October 8, 2024
The Copyright Contracts Act aims to strengthen the contractual position of authors and performing artists. Various experts shed light on different areas of exploitation and what constitutes a reasonable compensation. The bundle is available for free download as the foundation Federatie Auteursrechtbelangen celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2024.
Payment reprographic reproduction fee
October 3, 2024
Recently, several publishers received the reprographic reproduction fee. This mainly concerns publishers of professional, educational, and scientific books and journals, newspapers, and schoolbooks, whose content is copied by businesses, government, and educational institutions. The reprorecht payment for publishers is a net payment that does not need to be passed on: (freelance) authors receive their share through Stichting Lira.
Due to a new distribution key, the payment may differ from what you are used to, particularly for professional, educational, and scientific books and journals. Additionally, for the first time, a 0.6% deduction for the financing of Stichting Brein is noted on the invoice. The invoice and breakdown can be found in our portal.