Frequently Asked Questions about the Reprographic Reproduction Fee
General questions
Unfortunately, we cannot determine this in advance. The amount of your compensation depends on various factors: the annual collection by Stichting Reprorecht, the number of publishers who register, and the differences in turnover among publishers. Therefore, your final compensation is relative and determined per category. The general principle is that every publisher will receive a fair amount.
No, publishers are entitled to this compensation. Stichting PRO does, however, withhold administration fees and VAT from the total available gross amount of the reprographic rights funds. You will not notice this, as you will receive your amount net.
Stichting PRO is a non-profit organization and always aims to keep administrative costs as low as possible. The Copyright Oversight Board (CvTA) oversees this process.
Submit turnover
The 'revenue amount per title' is calculated as follows:
Add up the net revenue per title from print, digital, online, and net advertising revenue.
Note this 'revenue amount per title.' You can enter this in the table under 'revenue.'
Tip: You can also collect the information in an Excel file and upload it to the portal. This way, all your information will be ready at once.
Make sure that the amounts are entered "cleanly" (both in the Excel file and when entering manually). Do not use periods or commas. For example, enter '23000' instead of '23.000'.
With the 2024 reprography distribution, we are distributing the funds that Stichting Reprorecht collected in 2023. We aim to distribute these as soon as possible and are asking publishers to report their revenue in May. Typically, most publishers have not yet completed their accounting for the previous year (including the annual accounts) by then. We want to give publishers ample time for this, which is why we are requesting revenue figures for 2022.
Ik heb een publicatie die in meerdere categorieën valt.