Stichting PRO is committed to being transparent about its methods. Governance concerns the way an organisation is managed and how it ensures open and sound operations. Governance rules serve two main purposes: internally, they promote awareness of how everything is organised and why; externally, they are vital for building trust in the organisation's public image. For a Collective Management Organisation (CMO) with a legal or de facto monopoly, it is crucial to act consciously within the societal context, balancing the diverse interests at play, and to communicate this responsibility openly.
Supervisory Board for Copyright
On 15 July 2003, the Act on the Supervision of Collective Management Organisations for Copyright and Neighbouring Rights came into effect. This legislation led to the establishment of the Supervisory Board for Copyright (CvTA). On 26 November 2016, the Act of 14 November 2016, amending the Supervision and Dispute Resolution Act for Collective Management Organisations to implement Directive 2014/26/EU of the European Parliament and the Council on the collective management of copyright and related rights, was enacted.
The CvTA is responsible for overseeing collective management organisations (CMOs). Among other duties, it ensures that CMOs maintain clear and orderly administration, lawfully collect the fees owed, distribute these fees to rights holders in a timely manner, apply transparent pricing structures, and are adequately equipped to perform their tasks properly.
In carrying out its responsibilities, the CvTA has several powers: the right to provide advice, access information, and inspect records; the authority to appoint accountants; and the ability to issue directives.
Stichting PRO is a member of the Association of Organisations that Collectively Exploit Intellectual Property, abbreviated as VOI©E. The association aims to enhance understanding of the exercise of copyright and neighbouring rights and to improve information about the functioning of Collective Management Organisations (CMOs). VOI©E acts as the primary point of contact for questions regarding the collective management of copyright and neighbouring rights on behalf of CMOs. Additionally, VOI©E serves as a complaints and feedback hub. The director of Stichting PRO also serves as a board member of VOI©E. Through its membership contributions to VOI©E, Stichting PRO also finances its share of the anti-piracy efforts undertaken by Stichting BREIN.
Section Members and Governance
The section members are appointed by the Media Federation (formerly the Dutch Publishers Association, NUV). The various sections elect a chairperson from among their members. The chairpersons of the sections collectively form the supervisory board of Stichting PRO. The authority over the substantive powers regarding management lies with the supervisory board of Stichting PRO. Profiles of the chairperson and board members are available on the Stichting PRO website.
Board members, including section members, carry out this role on an honorary basis. The activities are performed during working hours and, as such, these positions are indirectly remunerated. However, they do not receive any fees or allowances from Stichting PRO. Therefore, it has been decided to present the board members' positions as honorary in the overview of secondary functions. Presenting these roles as remunerated would suggest that the members receive compensation for their work as section or board members.
An exception is made for the chairperson of the supervisory board of Stichting PRO. This chairperson is independent and receives compensation for attending meetings and for other contributions.
Distribution Regulations
The distribution regulations, based on which Stichting PRO allocates funds to publishers, are evaluated every three years. In 2020, the distribution regulation for Loan Right funds was evaluated. Adjustments were made and submitted to the CvTA. During the reporting year, the distribution regulation for Reprography Rights funds was also adjusted (first submitted to the CvTA in 2019). The first distribution for Private Copying Rights dates back to 2018, with evaluation planned for 2021.
Distribution Regulation | Evaluation in: |
Private Copying Funds | 2021 |
Reprography Rights Funds | 2023 |
Loan Rights Funds | 2023 |
Governance Model
Due to amendments in the Supervision Act (WTCBO) that came into effect on 26 November 2016, a distinction must now be made between the supervisory function and day-to-day management. These two roles can no longer be performed by a single board.
In this context, Stichting PRO has met the governance requirements by assigning the supervisory function to the board, structuring it as a supervisory body, and appointing a director responsible for day-to-day management. Additionally, in consultation with the CvTA, Stichting PRO has determined that such a supervisory body can continue to be classified as the foundation's board in accordance with the Dutch Civil Code (BW).
The CvTA agreed to this proposal, provided that the limitations on the powers of the board (acting as a supervisory body) and the appropriate separation between this board (acting as a supervisory body) and day-to-day management are established both in structure (statutes, regulations) and practice (decision-making, actions). Stichting PRO has been operating with the board + management model since 1 January 2018.
Supervisory Vision
Mission of Stichting PRO
To provide support to collecting collective management organisations in order to optimise collections, ensure a fair share for publishers in collective schemes, and distribute these shares to publishers in the most complete, accurate, and efficient manner possible. -
Which values and interests are served by the supervision?
a. Supervision of the execution of schemes: Publishers can trust that the supervisory board will oversee the execution of the schemes in a professional manner and ensure their mandate is applied correctly. The implementation is handled by the executive team, while the supervisory board oversees this execution. This approach is outlined in a governance and management regulation. The supervisory board sets distribution regulations, based on which PRO allocates funds to publishers. These documents are available on the website. The board evaluates these regulations at least once every three years.b. Optimising collections and managing costs: Publishers have an interest in optimising collections and controlling costs. Deductions necessary to finance the execution of the schemes are agreed upon in close consultation with the supervisory board.
c. Balancing the interests of publishers and users: The supervisory board ensures a balance between the interests of publishers and users and monitors the execution of the fund distribution.
The objectives and focus of supervision
Stichting PRO supports the growing call for transparency in its work processes and guarantees that the execution of the schemes is carried out correctly. The goal of the supervisory board is the continuous improvement of publishers' positions within these schemes and continuous enhancement in the execution of fund distribution. -
How supervision is carried out, both in structure and culture
a. Authority over material competencies related to management rests with the board of Stichting PRO. The role of the board is outlined in the statutes, and there is also a board regulation.b. Stichting PRO operates under the Board + Management model, with a formal separation between the (supervisory) board and the executive team, as well as between the executive team and the actual operational processes carried out by Cedar B.V. employees.
c. Stichting PRO follows the Governance Code for CMOs as a basis for good governance.
d. The supervisory board adopts a critical monitoring and/or constructively advisory approach. To optimise the board's oversight role, a risk analysis is used. This analysis will be first established in 2023 and evaluated annually.
e. Supervisors primarily oversee the organisation internally. Their external role is limited and only occurs in specific situations (e.g., negotiations with other CMOs or as ambassadors for collective management).
Information the supervisory body wishes to receive and how and when it is obtained
a. The executive team reports at least biennially to the supervisory board on the execution of various schemes and the decisions made.b. An annual report, including a financial statement and transparency report, is submitted to the supervisory board.
c. Regular consultations take place between the chairperson and the director.
Accountability to stakeholders
Stichting PRO has a large number of stakeholders: rights-holding publishers, both individually and represented in organisations such as the groups within the Media Federation and NDP Nieuwsmedia; all foundations with which Stichting PRO collaborates, such as Reprorecht, Leenrecht, and Thuiskopie; Cedar as the executing organisation; the CvTA as the supervisory body representing the government; and VOI©E as the trade association for CMOs. The accountability to and contacts with stakeholders are as follows:a. Stichting PRO, as a copyright organisation, complies with the requirements of the 'Supervision and Dispute Resolution Act for Collective Management Organisations for Copyright and Neighbouring Rights' and, under this law, falls under the supervision of the Supervisory Board for Copyright Organisations (CvTA).
b. Stichting PRO is a member of VOI©E and commits to the Code of Conduct for Collective Management Organisations.
c. Stichting PRO adheres to the Top Income Standards Act for the members of the body exercising the supervisory function and the individuals responsible for daily management.
d. The stakeholders of Stichting PRO include the rights-holding publishers whose rights are managed.
e. During the reporting year, consultations were held with the CvTA, Media Federation, and auditors.
f. An independent auditor audits the financial statement.
g. The board provides feedback to stakeholders when necessary, and as far as possible. Additionally, stakeholders are kept informed of new developments and the payment process through a newsletter published several times a year.
h. An annual report, including a financial statement and transparency report, is published on the website.
The results of the survey show that the board members are very positive about the board meetings. The meetings are goal-oriented, and the members come well-prepared. Additionally, the (discussion) atmosphere is good, and conflicts are resolved effectively. Decisions made are followed through and/or implemented. Furthermore, there is agreement that the current structure with a supervisory board works well. The division of responsibilities between supervision and execution is sufficiently clear. However, the decision-making process between the sections and the supervisory board can still be improved. There are many topics on the supervisory board's agenda, and discussions are being held to explore the possibility of holding more frequent meetings or addressing fewer points.
Chairperson: Board members are satisfied with the performance of the chairperson. The profile of the chairperson is up-to-date.
Board Members: The composition of the board reflects the objectives of Stichting PRO. Board members are able to effectively distinguish between the individual interests of their constituencies and the collective interests of Stichting PRO. The members function independently from one another. Cooperation with boards of other CMOs has improved: it is now more results-oriented, professional, and less exploratory. However, communication with other external stakeholders is noted as an area for improvement. The alignment of decisions with the different groups within the Media Federation is also a point of concern. Additionally, the involvement of individual publishers with Stichting PRO is seen as very limited. It is recommended that this be improved through methods such as: the newsletter, visiting the largest publishers, expanding communication, presenting Stichting PRO at annual meetings of industry associations, and organising gatherings.
Organisation of Stichting PRO: All board members are very satisfied with the organisational aspects of Stichting PRO. The relationship between the board and the director is good. The board has adequate knowledge of the financial situation of Stichting PRO. The meeting materials and provision of information are of a high standard.
Application of the Governance Code for CMOs
The Governance Code for CMOs focuses on Standards for Good Governance of the Foundation, its Social Function, Board Model, an Integrity and Open Culture, and the Stakeholder Circle. These topics have already been addressed in the above Supervisory Vision and elsewhere on the Governance page.
In 2022, in close consultation with the CvTA, attention was given to finding a balance between striving for optimal transparency and justification, and the reasonableness of the number of paid hours invested in this. This specifically concerned the accountability of the home copy share distribution between publishers and authors, and informing rights holders who do not meet the minimum threshold.
There have been no conflicts of interest. There have been no reports of suspected misconduct or integrity violations.
The self-evaluation between the daily management and the supervisory body has shown that cooperation is proceeding well and that there are no particular issues to report.
Over the past year, consultations have taken place with the following stakeholders: the Media Federation, Thuiskopie, Leenrecht, Reprorecht, and individual publishers.
Identifying Rights Holders
PRO represents over 1300 Dutch publishers who receive compensation for the use of works they have published. In exceptional cases, material from Dutch publishers not yet known to PRO is used. If you are a publisher, you may be entitled to various forms of compensation through PRO.
Loan Rights
Each time a title from your portfolio is borrowed from a public library, you are entitled to a loan right compensation. PRO receives title-specific information for this, based on the electronic loan systems of libraries. If a work from your portfolio is included and you are not yet registered, we will contact you so we can process the compensation. Initially, this will be done via email. If we do not receive a response after repeated reminders, we will attempt to reach you by phone. If you do not receive loan compensation but believe your work is being borrowed, you can also contact PRO directly at We will then investigate using business data and titles to see if your works appear in the data provided by libraries.
Reprographic Rights
PRO distributes reprographic rights compensation to registered publishers. You may be entitled to compensation if you are the publisher of:
- Scientific books, textbooks, study books
- Scientific journals, trade journals
- School books
- Newspapers
Reprorecht investigates the use of specific categories of copyright-protected material in the business sector. PRO does not receive title-specific information from Reprorecht. This means that PRO only receives information about the share of a particular category of publishers. For this reason, PRO cannot actively search for individual publishers who may not yet be registered for reprographic compensation. However, PRO does actively look for publishers within certain categories or segments. New publishers are tracked through online sources (Handbook of the Dutch Press, and invited to join. Publishers receive a share based on an annual turnover report. If you believe you are entitled to compensation and have not yet registered with PRO, please contact us at
Home Copying Rights
PRO distributes home copying compensation to registered publishers. You may be entitled to compensation if you are the publisher of:
- E-books
- Newspapers
- News websites
- Public magazines
- Consumer websites
Thuiskopie investigates the use of specific categories of copyright-protected material on data carriers, such as computers and mobile phones. PRO does not receive title-specific information from Thuiskopie. This means that PRO only receives information about the share of a particular category of publishers. For this reason, PRO cannot actively search for individual publishers who may not yet be registered for home copying compensation. However, PRO does actively search for publishers within certain categories or segments. New publishers are identified through online sources (Handbook of the Dutch Press, and invited to join. Publishers receive a share based on an annual turnover report. If you believe you are entitled to compensation and have not yet registered with PRO, please contact us at
Use in Education
Compensation for the reuse of copyright-protected material in education is managed through Stichting UvO.
Complaints and Objections
Stichting PRO makes every effort to carry out its work in the collection and distribution of compensation carefully. To handle any complaints in accordance with the prescribed rules of conduct from the industry organisation VOI©E, PRO has an official complaints and objections procedure. You can submit a complaint via our website. Complaints regarding administrative handling or objections of a more principled nature will be properly addressed through this procedure.