The Supervisory Board of Stichting PRO consists of an independent chairperson and at least three board members representing various (groups of) publishers. The board meets twice a year and oversees the organisation’s daily management, operations, and performance. Members are appointed by the sections.
In addition, there are three separate sections, one for each revenue stream: private copying levies, reprographic reproduction rights and the public lending rights for publishers. These sections oversee the distribution of funds. The members of the sections are appointed by the different groups within the Mediafederation.
Dhr. B. Schneiders (chairman)
- Director, VSBfonds Foundation (remunerated)
- Member, Supervisory Board of Woonzorg Nederland (remunerated)
- President Commissioner, PWN N.V. (remunerated)
- Chairman, Monitoring Committee for the National Unit of the National Police (remunerated)
- Chairman, Supervisory Board of Spaarne Hospital (remunerated)
- Chairman, Schiphol Living Environment Foundation (remunerated)
- Chairman, Liberation Pop Haarlem (non-remunerated)
- Chairman, Local Broadcasting Haarlem 105 (non-remunerated)
- Chairman, Supervisory Board of the Mennonite Orphanage Foundation, Haarlem (non-remunerated)
- Chairman, Haarlem Food Bank and Surrounding Areas (non-remunerated)
Dhr. A. Reekers (finance officer)
on behalf of the Thuiskopie section
- Editor-in-Chief of the Reporting Department at De Telegraaf (remunerated)
- on behalf of the Thuiskopie section Chair of the Stichting Telegraafpensioenfonds 1959 (remunerated)
- Chair of the Thuiskopie section of Stichting PRO (unremunerated)
Dhr. P. Bon
on behalf of the Reprorecht section
- Board Member of Stichting Reprorecht, representing publishers and also a member of the Presidium of Reprorecht (remunerated)
- Senior Publisher at Wolters Kluwer (remunerated)
- Section Member for PRO Mandate (Reprorecht funds) at Stichting PRO (unremunerated)
Dhr. J. Hoek
On behalf of the Leenrecht section
- Operational Director at Singel Uitgeverijen (remunerated)
- Section Member for PLU (Leenrecht funds) at Stichting PRO (unremunerated)
Section Reprorecht Funds (Section PRO Mandate)
The statutory Reprorecht scheme focuses solely on photocopying. Thanks to this statutory designation, Stichting Reprorecht represents all publishers, but only for this analogue reuse (photocopies). However, for businesses, it should be possible to arrange digital reuse easily as well. Stichting Reprorecht has expanded the scheme to cover the business sector.
For this expansion, however, the mandate of all publishers was required because there is no statutory designation to facilitate digital use. Stichting PRO has experience in obtaining mandates in the Netherlands. Within Stichting PRO, the PRO Mandate section was established to recruit and manage publishers' mandates. Based on the current distribution of Reprorecht funds, PRO Mandate represents 100% of these funds, as more than 480 publishers have issued a mandate. Since 2020, PRO has been distributing the publisher shares from the Reprorecht scheme. A cost norm has been established for this activity, ranging from 3% to 5%. Stichting PRO indemnifies Stichting Reprorecht on behalf of all publishers, except for publishers who have indicated they do not wish to participate (the so-called blacklist). The section meets twice a year and consists of eight publisher representatives from the General Board of Stichting Reprorecht. The members are appointed by the Mediafederatie:
- Four members nominated by the trade association for media companies in education, professional information, and science (MEVW);
- One member nominated by the industry organization NDP Nieuwsmedia;
- One member nominated by the Groep Algemene Uitgevers (GAU) / other publishers;
- One member nominated by the Magazine Media Associatie (MMA);
- One member nominated by the Nederlandse Muziek Uitgevers Vereniging (NMUV).
Bestuurslid: | Nevenfuncties: |
Dhr. P. Bon | Board member of Stichting Reprorecht, representative of publishers (vacation fee) |
Senior publisher at Wolters Kluwer | |
Board member of the PRO Mandate section of Stichting PRO | |
Board member of the Thuiskopie section of Stichting PRO | |
Dhr. C. Balk | Board member of Stichting Reprorecht |
Business Controller Misset Uitgeverij bv | |
Board member of the PRO Mandate section of Stichting PRO | |
Board member of the Thuiskopie section of Stichting PRO | |
Dhr. J. Duurinck | Board member at Stichting Reprorecht |
CFO Uitgeverij New Skool Media B.V. | |
Board member of the PRO Mandate section of Stichting PRO | |
Finance officer Stichting Algemeen Basisonderwijs Rijnwaarden |
Board member section Thuiskopie van Stichting PRO | |
Dhr. E. Janssen | Board member stichting Reprorecht |
Director FEMU | |
Zelfstandig Dirigent en Jurylid | |
Board member of the PRO Mandate section of Stichting PRO | |
Board member of the Thuiskopie section of Stichting PRO | |
Dhr. G.J. Schinkel | Board member of Stichting Reprorecht, representative of publishers |
Senior publisher Sdu | |
Board member of the PRO Mandate section of Stichting PRO | |
Secretary of the Stichting Bibliotheek van het Boekenvak | |
Finance offericer Amsterdamse Universiteits-Vereniging (AUV) |
Board member of the Thuiskopie section of Stichting PRO | |
Dhr. J. Leenaars | Financial director LCG Malmberg BV |
Board member Stichting Reprorecht | |
Board member section PRO-mandate section Stichting PRO | |
Board member section Thuiskopie Stichting PRO | |
Mvr. I. Terpstra | Head of Legal Affairs, Mediahuis Nederland |
Board member, chairman of the Stichting Organisatie voor Persuitgeversrecht |
Board member, representative of publishers at Stichting Reprorecht |
Section Leenrechtgelden (Section PLU)
Public libraries pay a fee to Stichting Leenrecht for lending works. Stichting Leenrecht has a statutory designation for these activities and has appointed Stichting PRO as the distribution organisation for the publishers' share of this fee. The fee pertains to books, magazines, and multimedia. The publishers' share (30%) of the lending fee is distributed by the PRO Leenrecht Publishers' Shares (PLU) section. The activities of the PLU section are based on Article 15c of the Copyright Act. Stichting PRO indemnifies Stichting Leenrecht for all rights holders based on the information provided by Stichting Leenrecht.
Publishers, especially those who publish general (children's) books, provide the members for this section, as these are the most frequently lent items. These members are appointed by the Groep Algemene Uitgevers (General Publishers Group) of the Mediafederatie. The PLU section meets twice a year. The standard for administration costs withholding is set at 7.5%.
Boardmember:: | Additional roles: |
Dhr. F.H. Jonkers | Publisher VBK Media |
chairman | Board Member of the General Board of Stichting Leenrecht |
Chair of the PLU section of Stichting PRO | |
Board Member of the General Board of Stichting PRO | |
Chair of the Writings Section of Stichting Leenrecht | |
Director of F H Jonkers Beheer BV | |
Member of the Works Council, VBKU, Utrecht/Amsterdam | |
Member of the Participation Council, RKBS De Hoeksteen, Krommenie |
Member of the Members’ Council, Koninklijke Nederlandse Lawn Tennis Bond |
Dhr. M. van Campen | Business Director at Gottmer Uitgevers Groep |
Board Member of GAU (General Publishers Group) of the Mediafederatie | |
Board Member of the PLU Section of Stichting PRO | |
Board Member of the Writings Section of Stichting Leenrecht | |
General Director at Van Campen Management BV | |
Dhr. J.J. Keijzer | Managing Director HarperCollins Holland |
Board Member of GAU (General Publishers Group) of the Mediafederatie | |
Finance officer VUZEDA (Vereniging van Uitgevers Zonder Eigen Distributie Apparaat) |
Chair of the Advisory Board of the Rotterdamse Studentenvereniging Sanctus Laurentius |
Board Member of the PLU Section of Stichting PRO | |
Board Member of the Writings Section of Stichting Leenrecht | |
Dhr. M. David | Senior Advisor, IP, Collective Rights & Privacy at Mediafederatie |
General Secretary of the General Publishers Group at the Mediafederatie | |
Board Member of the PLU Section of Stichting PRO | |
Board Member of the PRO Mandate Section of Stichting PRO | |
Board Member of the Writings Section of Stichting Leenrecht | |
Board Member of the Koninklijke Vereniging van het Boekenvak | |
Board Member Stichting Marktonderzoek Boekenvak | |
Board Member Stichting BREIN | |
Board Member Federatie Auteursrechtbelangen | |
Board Member Dr. P.A. Tiele-Stichting | |
Member Raad van Toezicht NBD Biblion | |
Member Raad van Toezicht Literatuurmuseum | |
Dhr. J. Hoek | Board Member section PLU van Stichting PRO |
Operational Director Singel Uitgeverijen |
Home Copying Funds Section (Home Copying Section)
Stichting de Thuiskopie has designated Stichting PRO as the distribution organization for the publishers' shares in the Home Copying Scheme. The section meets twice a year. A cost norm of 7.5% has been established for the distribution of the Home Copying Funds.
Board member: | Additional roles: |
Dhr. A. Reekers | Head of Editorial Verslaggeverij De Telegraaf’ |
chairman | Chairman Stichting Telegraafpensioenfonds 1959 |
Chairman section Thuiskopie van Stichting PRO |
Dhr. G.J. Schinkel | Board member Stichting Reprorecht, representing publishers |
Senior Publisher at Sdu Publishers | |
Board member section PRO-mandate of Stichting PRO |
Secretary of Stichting Bibliotheek van het Boekenvak |
Finance officer Amsterdamse Universiteits-Vereniging (AUV) |
Board member section Thuiskopie van Stichting PRO | |
Dhr. A. Kropman | |
On behalf of newspaper publishers | [vacancy] |
The day-to-day management of the office of Stichting PRO is overseen by Mr. B. Pijnacker, director. Additional positions:
• Director of Stichting UvO, Publishers' Organization for Educational Licenses (paid)
• Member of the General Board of VOICE (unpaid)
Stichting PRO is a foundation and does not employ staff directly. We procure services from Cedar BV, along with six other copyright organizations (Leenrecht, Thuiskopie, Reprorecht, Lira, Vevam, and PRO). Approximately 10 individuals from Cedar are employed to work for PRO.