Frequently Asked Questions about the Lending Right Fee

General Questions

Why does Stichting PRO distribute this fee?

Stichting PRO represents the interests of publishers and the authors they represent in the collective management of copyright. This pertains to rights that publishers cannot easily or individually exercise. As a representative of publishers, Stichting PRO also receives fees for publishers from Stichting Leenrecht, Stichting Reprorecht, and Stichting de Thuiskopie. We ensure that these fees are distributed fairly.

Do I need to register my publishing company with Stichting PRO?  

It is not necessary, but it is possible. Stichting PRO itself identifies the correct rights holders to distribute the lending fee. We do this based on data provided to us by Stichting Leenrecht regarding works that have been borrowed from Dutch public libraries.

If you have never been in contact with PRO but believe that your works are being borrowed, please contact us for confirmation. Make sure to include your company details and the titles you have published.

When will the lending rights fee be paid out?

At the end of the year, the lending rights fee will be distributed. In October or November, you will receive a request to verify your details again. After processing any responses, the final fee will be calculated and paid out. You will also receive the ‘repartition invoice’ with further clarification. This can be found on our webportal.

Note: To work as efficiently as possible, Stichting PRO only makes payments when the total compensation exceeds €50. Below this threshold, the administrative costs are not considered reasonable in relation to the payout.

Any amounts below the threshold will be reserved for up to three years and will be paid out once the total amount exceeds the threshold. Any excess fee received will be adjusted in the following payout cycle.

Do I need to pay my authors?

No, you do not need to. Publishers only receive the ‘publisher's share’ of the lending rights fee from Stichting PRO. The ‘author's share’ is distributed by Stichting Lira,  the organization responsible for distributing fee to authors. More information about the distribution key used by Stichting Leenrecht can be found on their website.

Do I have to pay Stichting PRO for this service?

No, publishers are entitled to this fee. Stichting PRO does deduct administrative fees and VAT, but you will not notice this – you will receive the amount net.

Stichting PRO is a non-profit organization and strives to keep administrative costs as low as possible. The College van Toezicht Auteursrechten (CvTA) oversees this.